A Powerful Force of Energy Runs Through You

Question is..... are you in touch with it?
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Bio-Well is a revolutionary non-intrusive way to measure the human energy field (HEF) or bio-field. It gives you immediate insights into what is acutely happening in your body, physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Providing insights into the body mind connection and aiding in assessing your overall health and wellbeing.
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Bio-Well is a revolutionary non-intrusive way to measure the human energy field (HEF) or (bio-field). It gives you immediate insights into what is acutely happening in your body, physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Providing insights into the body mind connection and aiding in assessing your overall health and wellbeing.
Get your scan today

What is the Human Bio-Field?

The human energy field (HEF), also called the human bio-field or bio-energy field, is a multi-layer electro-magnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. The energy of the bio-field is subtle and measurable and its strength is a reflection of a person’s health.

The Bio-Well can measure this energy field. The Bio-Well is based on Kirlian photography. In 1939 Semyon Kirlian, a Russian inventor and researcher, found that light emissions from sentient objects reflected the objects state of vitality. For example, dead leaves had very little light emission compared to a young fresh picked leaf. The healthier the object the more light emission.

The Bio-well makes it possible to measure the level of energy and stress, and therefore the degree of vitality, by  measuring the electro-photonic radiation emitted from the finger tips of each hand. Each finger tip maps to different non-physical energy lines in the body, the Chinese meridians and Ayurvedic nadis, which provide insight into different organs and systems in the body.

The interpretation of the data obtained makes it possible to assess the overall energy level of an individual, the functionality of the organs (in excess or in default), the psycho-emotional, and environmental impact.

Notice the gaps and spikes in the field below

The field below is stronger and more uniform

Energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can only be transmuted from one form of energy into another. When we are stressed we draw on the bio-field converting energy into chemistry (energy into matter), in the form of stress hormones. We become less energetic and more material (like a rock). Therefore when a person is chronically stressed, either chemically (from their environment or diet), mentally or emotionally, or physically, over time their energy field becomes depleted.They essentially become more like matter and less energetic.

A picture says a thousand words. The Bio-Well makes it so much easier to have the conversation about understanding ourselves as energy with my clients. They can see the effects of their energy change as a result of a stimulus and it confirms 100% of the time what they already knew but couldn’t necessarily explain in their body. The visual confirmation and measurement therefore has a profound effect in their understanding which lead to better outcomes, because now they can not only feel but ‘see’ and understand what is happening on a emotional, physical and energetic level. When we understand ourselves as energy our whole world changes.

~ Dr. Kat

Your Life is A Reflection of Your Energy

According to Eastern metaphysical theories and principles of Ayurvedic Indian medicine, there are seven “Chakras” or integrated energy centers that are considered to affect physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

These energy centers represent the human psyche, in other words, our personality. Our past experiences are stored in these centers. They affect our perceptions, feelings, and choices causing us to feel and think in certain ways. They affect the flow of the life force energy through us, the types of thoughts we have, and the energies we can gather to act upon them.

The Bio-Well can quantitatively measure the chakras and graphically display them in a beautiful images which you receive in the report. A healthy person’s chakras should ideally be:

    • well-aligned (from the base of the spine, up to the crown of the head)
    • a healthy size (not deficient or in excess of energy)

Stress, anxiety, and depression can shift our chakras out of alignment, and cause each center to either be too big or small. The stability of Chakras is an indication of our emotional balance. Specific practice can improve the flow and alignment of energy through this energy system. If you are interested in this choose the Bio-Well Scan + Coaching option.

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A weak electrical current is applied to each of your 10 fingertips for less than a millisecond. A special camera captures the image of the an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons that is given off as a result of this stimulus.

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Each scan returns a wealth of meaningful information to provide you with a truly holistic view of the state of your wellbeing.

What you get

    • Bio-Field Scan

    • Stress Level Evaluation

    • Chakra Alignment Report

    • Health and Energy Status

    • Yin/Yang Balance of Body

    • Binural Beat Audio File

Why Get a Scan?

Anything that happens in the physical body happens in the energy body first.

The purpose of the Bio-Well analysis is for you to assess your current state of health and to determine possible areas for improvement. The visuals are quite impactful and can lead to insightful recommendations, which may help inspire beneficial lifestyle and psycho-spiritual perspectives about life. Thus preventing health abnormalities at an early stage by recommending the necessary counter-measures to overcome possible problems. As a rule, this requires a significant change in one’s perspective toward life, diet, and physical activity. If you are interested in tools (specific breath work, meditations, and diet) to improve the flow of energy and create a more coherent energy field be sure to select the Bio-Well scan + Coaching option.

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GDV / Bio-Well technology is a non-medical device and in no way replaces a medical diagnosis. For any health problem we recommend consulting a medical doctor.

Schedule your Bio-well Health Assessment.


Pleasant Hill, Ca 94523

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Spiritual Heart Meditations are designed to help you expand into and become the greater consciousness that you are. The part of you that is always peaceful, blissful, whole and complete. By embracing these practices, you create more coherence with the Unified Field—the boundless energy that is your true self and the SOURCEof your energy, vitality, and health.

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