My Story

How Functional Medicine Transformed My Life

Welcome. I’m Kat Lewis, PhD, Functional Medicine provider and Kundalini Yoga instructor. I am passionate about sharing my journey of discovering the life-changing power of Functional Medicine and Heart-Brain Coherence to help people take control of their health and feel vital, vibrant, and truly alive. Like many of you, I have been confused and disillusioned by looking for solutions to health issues – fatigue, mood issues, weight control and hormonal imbalances – in traditional medicine. I’d like to share the story of my life-changing journey to health and well-being.

How Functional Medicine Transformed My Life

​Welcome. I’m Kat Lewis, PhD, Functional Medicine provider and Kundalini yoga instructor. I am passionate about sharing my journey of discovering the life-changing power of Functional Medicine and Heart-Brain Coherence to help people take control of their health and feel vital, vibrant, and truly alive. Like many of you, I have been confused and disillusioned by looking for solutions to health issues – fatigue, mood issues, weight control and hormonal imbalances – in traditional medicine. I’d like to share the story of my life-changing journey to health and well-being.

I Thought I Could Do It All

​My story begins 13 years ago, just before I got pregnant with my daughter. I was traveling the world for business – speaking, educating, and helping others. I was training for triathlons, practicing yoga, connecting with friends and family– I was enjoying life. However, pregnancy meant I could no longer meet the travel demands, so I changed jobs only to find myself in a high-stress position. As a new mom with a new job and a baby that didn’t sleep through the night until she was 2, I was exhausted trying to do it all, without realizing the consequences of the chronic stress I was putting on myself.

How Could This Be Happening To Me?

​18 months later, when I tried to get pregnant again, I couldn’t. My OB/GYN told me my eggs were too old and that if I did do in-vitro fertilization I would need an egg donor. I was only 36 years old!  How could that be? This was the first but not the last time the traditional medical model stopped working for me. In disbelief, I decided not to believe them and I spent the next two years undergoing acupuncture treatments, but only to be disappointed. Dispirited and stressed, I decided I needed to let go of the possibility of having a second child. I wanted to live in peace, serenity, and gratitude more than I wanted to live with regret, depression, and stress.

My Aha Moment When I Found The Answer

​Several years later, I went to hear a talk on addressing female hormones using a functional medicine approach. I’d never heard of functional medicine, but as I listened, it made perfect sense. The speaker, Dr. Dan Kalish, illustrated how chronic stress caused adrenal dysfunction and how this relationship affects a woman’s reproductive sex hormones leading to all sorts of issues including infertility. There was one slide that illustrated the relationship between stress and the sex hormones and showed me exactly why I hadn’t been able to get pregnant. But what was even more mind-blowing was how he was able to use natural methods to successfully help women get pregnant who had no success with conventional medicine. I was inspired by this new knowledge – I had friends who were being pumped full of hormones and steroids and losing hope as I had of ever getting pregnant. I wanted to know more.

The Power of Natural Medicine. What Most Doctors Don’t Know.

​For the first time, I began to understand the true power of ‘natural medicine,’ which I had previously discounted. My biochemistry background had taught me biological pathways, which greatly facilitated my understanding of the interconnectedness of the human body, but had not suggested that the body has a natural ability to heal itself given the right conditions.

​I have a PhD in biochemistry, and have worked 20 years in life-sciences, at the cutting edge of research looking for biomarkers as function of disease. Pharmaceutical companies were our bread and butter. I have seen billions of dollars spent, in the development and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs, to treat and cure disease, often with little to show for it. I too was under the illusion that we needed man-made drugs to heal ourselves. It is my belief that while there is a place for these drugs, disease and dysfunction appear not because our bodies/minds are deficient of these drugs, but because we are lacking the essential nutrients and conditions to drive our very own body systems designed to keep us healthy. As a culture we have very little understanding of our own bodies and the mind/body connection. When it comes to chronic dis-ease, drugs don’t heal, they just cover up the symptom.

​Dr. Dan Kalish became my mentor and inspiration. In 2015, I completed my training at the Kalish Institute of Functional Medicine and I continue to work with Dr. Kalish and a group of functional medicine MDs and Chinese Medicine practitioners on a weekly basis to review client cases. I am also trained in Functional Nutrition with Andrea Nakayama at the Functional Nutrition Lab. I have attended numerous conferences sponsored by the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and related organizations in the field of natural medicine, functional medicine, and the mind/body connection.

2014 began my interest in energy medicine. I completed level 2 Reiki healing certification in 2015 and completed my Kundalini yoga certification by the Kundalini Research Institute in 2019. I have a Level 1 Bio-Well Certification. The Bio-Well is an instrument I introduced into my practice in 2019 that measures the human bio-field, or human energy field (HEF). We are all energy. Everything in the Universe is energy. Matter and energy are related. What we call matter, like our physical bones, skin, organs and tissues are really just highly compressed energy. Dis-ease manifests first on the energy level. Our thoughts and our emotions are energy, more than anything else they have the biggest impact on our health. I could no longer be in the health industry and not consider the effects of the mind and emotions. So this is a major emphasis in the work I do with my clients.

I Knew That I Had Found My Calling

​Having suffered through and healed myself from many of the same issues that my clients suffer from (autoimmune, adrenal dysfunction, brain fog, weight loss), I understand their plight in a real and intimate way. My insatiable interest and training as a scientist and the mind/body connection and the nature of reality have made me uniquely qualified to understand the inter-connectedness of the mind body connection and how this can manifest as dysfunction in a thorough way. My calling is to deliver this information in a way that inspires and empowers others to heal themselves.

Join Me On a Journey to Your Health and Well-Being

​A functional medicine approach is a holistic approach that focuses on the underlying causes of chronic health issues with the goal of fostering health and vibrancy into old age.  Disease doesn’t happen overnight. It is years and years of dysfunction before disease shows up. Functional medicine is looking for proper function. Contrasting from traditional medicine’s approach of focusing on disease and treating symptoms, functional medicine sees the interconnection of mind, body, and environment, with the aim of addressing root causes and restoring proper function.

​I create an individualized plan for your optimum health through state-of-the-art lab testing and careful evaluation of your health history and current situation.  Working together I’ll recommend food, supplementation, meditation, and lifestyle changes to restore balance and healing to your body and spirit. Our culture has been devoid of the knowledge of how to maintain this human vehicle we reside in. This includes the mind and who we are energy beings. When we understand the body/mind connection and the natural laws of the Universe we are better equipped to live our lives to our full capacity.

​My personal struggle has been transformed into a dedication to help you and others like you: to determine the underlying causes of your health issues, to guide you on your path toward health, and to help empower you with the knowledge you need to continue successfully without me! We are the most intelligent, magnificent beings that have ever been created, I want you to tap into this to become aware of this, so you can start exploring who and what you are and realize the magnificence of your existence and your sacred human body.

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Spiritual Heart Meditations are designed to help you expand into and become the greater consciousness that you are. The part of you that is always peaceful, blissful, whole and complete. By embracing these practices, you create more coherence with the Unified Field—the boundless energy that is your true self and the SOURCEof your energy, vitality, and health.

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