On a journey of self-improvement, it’s important to follow your intuition. Chances are you’re correct if you think an aspect of your life needs improvement. If after assessing your life you feel the need for change, breaking these bad habits may help you improve.

Improving Your Career
Studies have found that nearly 90% of Americans’ greatest sources of stress are related to money or work. People often end up working torturously long hours in jobs they find no joy in, or perhaps even outright hate. If you don’t stop the cycle of ill-fitting jobs, you’ll never find career fulfillment. While you may never enjoy working, there are ways to at least make your vocation tolerable.

If you’ve struggled to find happiness in a job for multiple years, stop expecting something to improve on its own. A change of career is definitely in order. Think of an occupation that you’re confident you can learn, one you’d enjoy more than your current one, and apply for positions. Most places are happy to train someone on the fly, as long as they demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn.

A useful skill is being able to regulate your work-life balance. Finding jobs with hours that align with your preferred availability will prevent you from missing out on life because of your job. Learning to set boundaries such as declining optional overtime and refusing to work on your days off may come off as unprofessional to some, but it’s actually a demonstration that you value yourself over your job.

Keeping Your Physical and Mental Health in Check
Stop not listening to your body! Life will naturally get in the way sometimes, but when was the last time you saw a doctor or dentist? Be sure to make time for routine check-ups. Any problems that you don’t catch early are likely to spiral out of control, so think thoroughly about whether there are any health maintenance functions you’re neglecting.

Your mind needs just as much care as your body, so stop neglecting your mental health. You may benefit from practicing mindfulness, meditating, or therapy. Your mental state affects your physical health, so make sure your brain can properly support your body.

Stay home if you are sick. We hear this phrase all the time lately, but people still make a misguided effort to appear strong by coming into work with an illness. The only message this truly sends is that you don’t care for the health and safety of yourself or any of your coworkers. Use your sick time when necessary, regardless of how it reflects on you.

Prioritizing Your Needs
Stop putting yourself last! You may think you’re coming off as reliable, caring, or professional. In reality, you’re letting everyone know that you’re happy to be taken advantage of. Beyond that, giving too much of your energy without practicing any self-care leads to burnout, at which point you’re no help to anyone.

Learn to say “no” when you have to. We’re often inclined to agree to anything that’s asked of us, whether that’s due to a desire to be liked or a fear of the discomfort of having to reject someone else. Unfortunately, doing whatever is requested of you establishes weak boundaries and keeps you from advocating for yourself.

It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself, especially in recent years. Make sure you’re advocating for yourself and setting aside time to rest.

written by:
Emma Grace Brown

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