Life is Supposed To Feel Good

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An Integrative & Functional Medicine Approach to Health

Your body’s natural way of being is to continuously heal and regenerate. It just needs the right conditions to do so. My job is to help uncover the ‘Why’ behind your health issues and to give you the tools to re-invigorate the body systems that are designed to keep you feeling vibrant, healthy, and truly ALIVE at any age!

Learn More About My Approach


(Dr. Kat & Spencer)

A Functional Medicine & Integrative Approach to Health

Your body’s natural way of being is to continuously heal and regenerate. It just needs the right conditions to do so. My job is to help uncover the ‘Why’ behind your health issues and to give you the tools to re-invigorate the body systems that are designed to keep you feeling vibrant, healthy, and truly ALIVE at any age!

Learn More About My Approach

Why do we say “Sat Nam”?

In Kundalini yoga class you are told to say “Sat Nam” either in our mind or out loud as you practice a kriya (exercise) or meditation. With the eyes focused on the third eye point, the space between the eyebrows, over and over you repeat the sanskrit...

Photo by Kristy Kravchenko on Unsplash   It’s Spring!   A perfect time for cleaning out your internal house. Shedding the pounds that came along with eating winter’s comfort food. And getting ready for warmer weather and more revealing...

4 Simple Meditations

Simple 5 Point Meditation: Begin in easy pose (sitting cross legged with straight spine and chin parallel to floor), palms face up, resting on your lap. Take a couple of deep breaths and set your intention. Then begin by focusing your attention on each of the...

How Early Life is Written into Your DNA

 How our environment affects our genes is a relatively new field called epigenetics. The idea is that our genes do not pre-determine our destiny, rather it is the way we engage with our environment that determines whether or not our genes are expressed (turned on)....

How To Cultivate Will Power

Stuck with bad habit? Ugh! Does your body seem to just take over? Repeating the same bad habits? Do you often regret the things you do or say? You often don’t do what you wish to do but rather what your habits compel you to do. Habits can be in the form of...

Test. Don’t Guess

Functional medicine knows that you are a unique individual, with unique genes, microbiome, and triggers that cause imbalances in the underlying body systems designed to keep you well. Gluten for example, may cause one person to have headaches, another person to have...

Are your medications causing nutritional deficiencies?

“Good clinical care extends beyond mere diagnosis and treatment of disease to appreciation that nutrient deficiencies can be the price of effective drug therapy. The major risk factors for developing drug-induced nutrient deficiencies are lack of awareness by...

Your mind is so powerful it can kill you….or heal you

What a profound truth.   We tend to believe our thoughts. In fact, we think we are our thoughts and emotions. By saying “I am angry” I am  identifying with my emotion. A more appropriate description would be “I feel anger arising in my...

Brush Up on Your Microbiome

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to...

How to Repair After Antibiotics

You are more bacteria than you are human. The human body contains more bacterial cells than it does human cells. They are spread throughout the entire body but the majority of them live in your digestive tract. It is estimated that the human gut contains 2-6 lbs of...

How well is your body converting food into energy?

We are alive because of complex biological reactions that convert the food we eat into energy, restores tissues such as skin and muscle, and protects us via the immune system. This is called our metabolism and these reactions require essential nutrients (vitamins,...

WTF are you here for?

One of the largest contributors to chronic health problems is not being in touch with your true nature. What do I mean by true nature? Innate strengths and abilities unique to you. What motivates you and drives you, things you do, represent, or think about without...

About Dr. Kat Lewis

A Natural, Science-based, Approach to Health

Dr. Kat’s mission is to educate the public on the importance of lifestyle habits to enable the body’s innate ability to heal and regenerate itself. She counsels private clients, leads workshops and corporate lunch & learns teaching meditation and lecturing on a variety of topics including the neuroscience of mindfulness, adrenal dysfunction, the gut brain connection, weight control, and how to maximize your health with diet and lifestyle choices.

Learn More About Kat Lewis PhD

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