Nov 20, 2018 | Brain/Mood, Functional Lab Test, Gut Health, Women's Health
Are you easily overwhelmed? Does your heart race, your breath become shallow and you can’t seem to gain control of your mind? Does this seem to be your new state of being? When people ask, “How are you?” do you say fine, even though this is what is...
May 24, 2018 | Brain/Mood, General Wellness, Gut Health, Meditation, Uncategorized, Women's Health
1 in 10 Americans and 1 in 4 women of reproductive age are on antidepressants. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that globally about 300 million adults suffer from regular depressive episodes. It’s the leading cause of disability worldwide and...
Apr 10, 2018 | Digestion, General Wellness, Gut Health
Besides the obvious: Gas Bloating Diarrhea Constipation Acid refulx Other signs you have poor digestion Skin conditons Joint pain Sluggish Brain fog Irritable Achy Puffy eyes, belly, hands and feet Arthritis Cancer Autoimmune disease Anxiety and depression and list...
Jan 19, 2018 | Gut Health, Microbiome, Prebiotics, Probiotics, Uncategorized
You are more bacteria than you are human. The human body contains more bacterial cells than it does human cells. They are spread throughout the entire body but the majority of them live in your digestive tract. It is estimated that the human gut contains 2-6 lbs of...