Apr 9, 2022 | Brain/Mood, Energy, General Wellness, Thyroid, Women's Health
When it comes to keeping your body in good shape — your thyroid function is kind of important. Thyroid hormones affect vital body functions like your energy production, body temperature, skin, hair, fertility, digestive capacity, heart rate, and mood. If your thyroid...
Jan 24, 2022 | Brain/Mood, General Wellness, Mindfulness
As the world emerges from what was for many a prolonged period of inactivity and stress, it’s not just our bodies that have become soft – our brains are inevitably affected too. Just as Dr. James Levine coined the term “sitting is the new smoking” to describe...
Nov 19, 2021 | Brain/Mood
As the world emerges from what was for many a prolonged period of inactivity and stress, it’s not just our bodies that have become soft – our brains are inevitably affected too. Just as Dr. James Levine coined the term “sitting is the new smoking” to describe...
Apr 10, 2020 | Brain/Mood, Immune Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Pranayama
Nitric oxide (NO), coined the “Molecule of the Year” in 1992 is being tested as a treatment for COVID-19 patients. The production of NO has been shown to increase when you do long deep breathing through the nose – a reason to do breath work which I share below...
Nov 20, 2018 | Brain/Mood, Functional Lab Test, Gut Health, Women's Health
Are you easily overwhelmed? Does your heart race, your breath become shallow and you can’t seem to gain control of your mind? Does this seem to be your new state of being? When people ask, “How are you?” do you say fine, even though this is what is...
Jun 12, 2018 | Brain/Mood, Exercise, General Wellness, Women's Health
Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki says the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today is exercise! Suzuki discusses the science of how exercise boosts your mood and memory and has long term protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases like...